CLEAR goals

 The common SMART goal seems to be very well spoken of and probably crossed your ears a few time. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based. While they might be quite useful in defining the goal, like all things, it needs an occasional update. Here steps in the CLEAR goals. 

CLEAR goals are an agile counterpart to SMART goals. It stands for Collaborative, Limited, Emotional, Appreciable, Refine-able. 

Collaborative - Who is on the team and WHY do these collaborators matter?

Limited - What are the boundaries? When do you start/stop? And to what scale is or isn't the project?

Emotional - How does this goal make a connection with you/your team? Is it meaningful? Does it provide any personal satisfaction? What of the atmosphere?

Appreciable - What is the next action? Milestone? 

Refineable - What can I anticipate changing? What may go wrong? How would you adapt?

An example that I briefly scriblbed:  

I will have lunch with my boss at Panera Bread next year to discuss my contributions to work for a raise. If it isn't granted, then we will figure out the next thing to accomplish. 

Collaborative - With my boss. We are in it together. 

Limited - Panera Bread. Lunch. Next year. 

Emotional - Discussion of contributions

Appreciable - Discussion of next steps (should it not follow through) 

Redine-able - Discussion of next steps (should it not follow through) 

With projects, the same principle applies. You are identifying the who, (what/when/where), why, next steps, and what ifs. Perhaps it is a corollary to the SMART goals, as it assumes that your goal is already SMART to begin with. Either way, a great tool to use for nay projects. 


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