Notes about Logs

 Notes from here

A form is a tool you use to record a single item - issue, change, problem, idea, etc. It gives it representation and acknowledges its existences

A lot is list of all the items. 

Having records of forms/logs promotes transparency and mutual understanding. It also serves as a reference for later use. 

Many projects will have more items to track than originally anticipated, so plan for volume in tracking from the beginning. 

Risk is a concern regarding the future. It is a comprehensive study resulting in a pillar known as Risk Management. 

Issue is a concern of something in the present. It's happening now.

Change affects things in the past. It is synonymous with scope management. The three may introduce new risk/issue/changes to each other, so it is important to be able to cross-reference. 

Tasks should not be kept in logs, but incorporated into WBS and Project Schedule. 

Management Process: 

Plan for various items. Determine how to log. Document approach and estimate items over a life cylc,e timing, how long each will take. 

Execute the management plan

Control the items. Count the status reporting. Compare actual counts and timing to plan. 

General rules of thumb

1) Use automation when available 

2) Keep it simple 

3) Identify what's what. Clearly differentiate

4) Do it yourself 

5) Avoid duplicate work 

6) Keep it handy (not inconvenienced)

7) Update regularly

8) Use it often



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